About the Organization

Mercy Corps is a leading global organisation powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we collaborate to put bold solutions into action, helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Now, and for the future.

Enhancing resilience is at the heart of what Mercy Corps does and how we work. Resilience means that people and systems can protect and improve wellbeing in the face of shocks and stresses. Mercy Corps strengthens sources of resilience to enhance the capacities of people, markets, and institutions to handle shocks, reduce risk, build more equitable and responsive systems, and improve well-being. Through our programs, partnerships, and influence, we support communities to cope, adapt, and
ultimately thrive.

In Nepal, Mercy Corps began working in 2005 and has since implemented projects in agriculture, food security and nutrition, financial services, youth engagement, and disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptations. To date, Mercy Corps Nepal’s programming has reached over 900,000 people in 23 districts
working to reach some of the most vulnerable and remote individuals.

Position Summary

The Team Leader will be based in Kathmandu, Nepal, responsible for FCDO’s Early/Anticipatory Action component under the overall RAIN programme, which is expected to run from 2024. .

The Team Leader (Programme Director) will provide overall technical leadership, management, and direction for the Early /Anticipatory Action programme. The Team Leader is responsible for the management and successful delivery of all outputs under the Early/Anticipatory Action component as per the contract with the FCDO.They will provide technical leadership to the programme, representation of the programme within government ministries and partners and manage the programme design and delivery team.

The Team Leader will lead a consortium of partners to ensure the overall technical quality, including designing and implementing a strategy to ensure the programme addresses the underlying drivers and norms surrounding disaster risk management with an overall inclusion lens, advising on best practices, designing assessments and tools, and coordinating with partners and other stakeholders such as government, private sector, NGOs and CBOs, and community members.

The Team Leader shall be the donor’s principal point of contact in Nepal for procedural and substantive matters, including technical matters. The Team Leader shall coordinate and ultimately be responsible for all Agreement management and implementation. The Team Leader will be expected to identify issues and risks related to activity implementation in a timely manner and suggest appropriate adjustments. The Team Leader will be responsible for incorporating protection principles and working with the team to ensure activities are designed and implemented with a do-no-harm approach, taking into account the sensitivities and risks surrounding climate change disaster risk management and social protection services and will also support integration and innovations around anticipatory action within the climate change adaptation and disaster risk management sector.

What we are looking for


Interested applicants are requested to go to the https://app.jobvite.com/j?cj=oI50sfwZ&s=email

Application Deadline:

Thursday May 30, 2024

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Published On: May 17, 2024 / Categories: Vacancy /

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