Guided by the remarkable legacy of its co-founder, Helen Keller, Helen Keller Intl partners with communities striving to overcome long standing cycles of poverty. By delivering the essential building blocks of good health, sound nutrition and clear vision, we help millions of people create lasting change in their own lives. Working in 20 countries – across Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States – and together with a global community of supporters, we are ensuring every person has the opportunity – as Helen did – to reach their true potential.

The Province Lead will manage province-level activities for USAID Integrated Nutrition in addition to leading coordination, networking, representation, and communication. This position will provide strategic leadership for implementing effective, inclusive, accountable, and sustainable nutrition programming, including health, agriculture, WASH, and governance in their respective provinces. The Province Lead will oversee annual co-creation at the province level and support and monitor partner non-governmental organizations’ (PNGOs) performance and capacity needs.

In addition, the Province Lead will oversee PNGO sub-awards management within the province, ensuring smooth financial, grant, contract, and operational management under USAID Integrated Nutrition. This role involves supervising a team of senior-level technical, finance, compliance, and operations staff from the consortium partners.

The province Lead will consistently coordinate with government, non-government stakeholders and development partners including private sector actors at the province level to maximize synergy on implementation and outcomes within the province, district, and local government levels and will ensure Gender and Inclusive Development (GID) principles are integrated into the delivery of USAID Integrated Nutrition.

What we are looking for


Qualified candidates should visit the Careers page of Helen Keller International Nepal’s website: to fill out the application form and submit a cover letter and resume. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Application Deadline:

Wednesday 26th June, 2024

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Published On: June 12, 2024 / Categories: Vacancy /

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