Helen Keller Intl. is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) working in health and nutrition in Nepal since 1988 to improve the nutritional status of women and young children through evidence-based research and programs. Helen Keller invites applications from individuals for short-term consultancy assignment to support the Introduction of Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation (MMS) For Pregnant Women in Nepal project.

Research Coordinator – 1 no based in Kathmandu

The Position is responsible for collaborating closely with stakeholders to define clear research objectives in addition to developing comprehensive research plans and timelines to guide project from start to completion. S/he is also tasked with assuring adherence with the proposed research methodologies, including finalization of data collection tools, supporting in development of data entry systems, ensuring data quality assurance and involving in the data analysis aspects of the study.

What we are looking for


Qualified candidates should visit Careers – Helen Keller International Nepal (helenkellerintl.org.np) to fill out the application form and submit a cover letter and resume for the interested position.

Application Deadline:

Sunday, 8th Sep 2024

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Published On: August 29, 2024 / Categories: Vacancy /

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